Professional Online Quote Management
Selling never looked so good!
Link2Quotes is the complete online quoting solution for Act! that you already know how to use.
The Link2quotes online quoting console allows you to quickly & easily create a professional-looking quote, add customers on the fly, offer many different product & service options; dress it up with pictures & videos, and then click to send from any device or computer.

Opportunity Creation
Link2quotes creates the opportunity for you in Act!
It also schedules a follow-up activity to close that sale, sends a quote reminder to the prospect, and then closes the Opportunity when the deal is done. Oh, and can also process the customers payment immediately.
Unlike other 3rd party add-ons, Link2quotes is the only one to write directly to the database using the Act! WebAPI, meaning it can be used with self-hosted databases (with Act! Connect Link) or hosted databases through Act! Premium Cloud or a 3rd party hosting provider, and even the new Act! CRM SaaS. You can even use the Keystroke API (K-API) with the non-subscription Act! products like Act! Pro or off-plan versions of Premium.

Here are some fast facts on Link2quotes every Act! user should know:
Secure acceptance with instant notifications
Get an instant email alert whenever a quote is accepted, advising you of all the details so you can respond immediately. The customer also get’s emailed a copy of the accepted quote.
For extra security, the customer’s IP address is stamped on the accepted quote, and the prospect must enter an emailed security code prior to acceptance to verify their identity. Link2quotes also closes the Opportunity as Won, and schedules a post-purchase follow-up for you in Act!.

Manage all your quotes in one place
The Link2quotes Dashboard displays all your quotes in one place, allowing you to easily preview each of them, as well, as download, send, copy the quote link, and edit them on the fly.
Prepare quotes from anywhere on anything
Not near a computer? Don’t worry, you can login to Linktivity with any smart device, select an Opp from your pipeline, and send out a quote in less than a minute.
Contextual Help in each part of Link2quotes
No matter which section of Link2quotes you’re in, we offer detailed contextual help buttons that fully explain the program options of whichever section you’re in.
Works with Local & Web databases
Link2quotes works with Cloud databases using the WebAPI, and local databases using Act! Connect Link. As long as you have an Act! subscription, you can manage your pipeline and quotes with less effort and more success using Link2quotes.
Know when your prospects view quotes
Take the guesswork out of managing your quotes, by getting detailed accounts of when all your prospects view their quotes. With each quote view, Link2quotes writes back to your Opportunity History, allowing you to plan your follow-ups accordingly. Link2quotes even prevents customers from accepting expired quotes online!
And if you ever need to recall a quote, simply disable the status of the quote and the link ceases to be available.
Create new Opportunities & Contacts
Don’t be limited to converting existing Opps into quotes when you can create everything from scratch and have the data appear instantly in Act!. Link2quotes automatically generates a new Opp in Act! when you create a new quote online, and allows you to create a new contact to go with it, which also appears instantly in Act!